Thursday, January 31, 2008

Serenity and Cool Confidence

As I read all of the posts and materials for class, I become more informed and sensitive to daily discriminations that I overlooked/suppressed before. The section we just discussed about appearance standards was truly enlightening. When I am a licensed attorney and applying for employment/partnership, will I make the cut with my level of femininity and calm assertiveness? I am confident that I have all the tools necessary for success and am proud that the list of my qualifications exceeds the superficial realm of outward niceties.

I am not naive about the stereotypes that shape corporate america, and I am not deterred by the oppressive history and current realities before me. I am armed with invaluable knowledge, experience and strength. My inward peace and quiet assurance is found in God!!!! I am able to function productively in this world with an omniscient, infallible guide. (nudge, nudge-cue in the soothing, motivational music.)

Just to share my personal testimony of triumph: I began law school as an evening student in New Orleans in 2003-after being denied entry twice from another school. I had only been married 3 months, when in October I found out I was pregnant. I gave birth to my beautiful daughter in June 2004. By about Jan./Feb 2005, I found out that I was pregnant again. In August 2005 we experienced Hurricane Katrina and had to relocate. I visited SMU for a year as a transfer student and was denied admission when I applied to become a regular full-time student. I had my son in Nov. 2005 and applied to come to TWU the following semester. I will be graduating in May and my family will be there to share in this accomplishment. I was determined to finish my lifelong career choice of becoming a Lawyer. I also wanted a husband and at least two kids-and I have been blessed to pull that off too. Has it been easy-without challenges and doors closed?? Not at all-but the experience makes the journey that much more meaningful. As I wake up daily and get two little people ready for school before I get myself ready for school, I can smile and be proud of the life that I am living. When I am not at school, I am probably at church for rehearsal, Bible study or service. I sing and play the drums and my husband plays the organ/keyboard and is a minister. My children aspire to be great church leaders/participants and more. I am proud of my little family.

Well, I shared all of that to hopefully inspire and encourage some of the women that I know. As we endeavor to finish this class, semester and law school, know that you can do it. There were times when outer influences piled up and gave me a big 'QUIT' boost-but thank God I have internal peace, serenity and confidence that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13. Also, I have a very supportive family pulling for me to make it. I am enjoying this class and learning different perspectives within the inescapable world of discrimination. I made the choice to have a family, finish school and progress in my ministries-and I pleased with the results thus far. Just know that while I am very quiet and often sleepy, I am at peace, I am confident, I am strong, I am more than a conqueror.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Wow. What an inspiration!! Congratulations on accomplishing so much. I also had a son in Nov 2005. He was my first though, and I was a 1L here at Texas Wesleyan. I look forward to graduating with you in May. Thanks for the pep talk about applying for a job after this class. Up until now, all of the talk about discrimination made me worried that I would never find a job. But now I see that I just need to be confident in myself and other people become confident in me as well.